Maria Fuxa



Please note the following: Sending an e-mail does not create a client relationship. We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide legal advice by email without prior agreement and will not accept any time-bound and time-bound declarations. Data transmission via the Internet is risky. You should consider this especially when sending confidential information. If we receive an email, we assume that we are authorized to answer it by email.


(305) 407-9570

Maria Fuxa is a highly accomplished attorney with extensive expertise in various legal domains. Specializing in first and third party coverage, first party insurance disputes, bad faith litigation, arson and fraud, as well as contracts – Maria brings a unique blend of legal acumen and healthcare experience to her practice. Her proficiency extends to third […]

Before SSE Legal

Prior to entering the legal field, Maria served as a licensed Registered Nurse and Health Care Risk Manager, gaining firsthand insights into healthcare and risk management. Before joining SSE, Maria spent over 16 years representing major domestic and foreign insurance carriers in diverse areas including first party property/bad faith litigation defense, medical malpractice defense, and more.

Beyond SSE Legal

Maria Fuxa finds joy and fulfillment in pursuits outside the courtroom. In her leisure time, Maria enjoys spending time with family and her dog, traveling, and keeping saltwater aquariums.

Maria Fuxa



(305) 407-9570

Maria Fuxa is a highly accomplished attorney with extensive expertise in various legal domains. Specializing in first and third party coverage, first party insurance disputes, bad faith litigation, arson and fraud, as well as contracts – Maria brings a unique blend of legal acumen and healthcare experience to her practice. Her proficiency extends to third party liability matters, encompassing medical/dental malpractice, products liability, nursing home liability, premises liability, and personal injury.

Before SSE Legal

Prior to entering the legal field, Maria served as a licensed Registered Nurse and Health Care Risk Manager, gaining firsthand insights into healthcare and risk management. Before joining SSE, Maria spent over 16 years representing major domestic and foreign insurance carriers in diverse areas including first party property/bad faith litigation defense, medical malpractice defense, and more.

Beyond SSE Legal

Maria Fuxa finds joy and fulfillment in pursuits outside the courtroom. In her leisure time, Maria enjoys spending time with family and her dog, traveling, and keeping saltwater aquariums.

CONTACT Maria Fuxa

Please note the following: Sending an e-mail does not create a client relationship. We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide legal advice by email without prior agreement and will not accept any time-bound and time-bound declarations. Data transmission via the Internet is risky. You should consider this especially when sending confidential information. If we receive an email, we assume that we are authorized to answer it by email.

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