Mark Goldstein


Please note the following: Sending an e-mail does not create a client relationship. We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide legal advice by email without prior agreement and will not accept any time-bound and time-bound declarations. Data transmission via the Internet is risky. You should consider this especially when sending confidential information. If we receive an email, we assume that we are authorized to answer it by email.


(305) 407-9570

Mark D. Goldstein is a seasoned attorney with a comprehensive background in handling cases from inception through appeal, having represented both Plaintiffs and Defendants across the state of Florida. Currently, Mark focuses his defense practice on general liability and casualty, trucking litigation, premises liability, automobile liability, products liability and 3 rd party property liability.

Before SSE Legal

Mark earned his Juris Doctor from Washington University in St. Louis, where he served as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Law and Policy. His dedication to legal scholarship laid the foundation for his dynamic career. Mark is licensed to practice in both Florida and Missouri and has been admitted to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida and the U.S. court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Beyond SSE Legal

Outside the courtroom, Mark finds joy in various pursuits. Mark is an avid traveler, enjoys cooking and spending time with his wife and two daughters.

Mark Goldstein



(305) 407-9570

Mark D. Goldstein is a seasoned attorney with a comprehensive background in handling cases from inception through appeal, having represented both Plaintiffs and Defendants across the state of Florida. Currently, Mark focuses his defense practice on general liability and casualty, trucking litigation, premises liability, automobile liability, products liability and 3 rd party property liability.

Before SSE Legal

Mark earned his Juris Doctor from Washington University in St. Louis, where he served as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Law and Policy. His dedication to legal scholarship laid the foundation for his dynamic career. Mark is licensed to practice in both Florida and Missouri and has been admitted to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida and the U.S. court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Beyond SSE Legal

Outside the courtroom, Mark finds joy in various pursuits. Mark is an avid traveler, enjoys cooking and spending time with his wife and two daughters.

CONTACT Mark Goldstein

Please note the following: Sending an e-mail does not create a client relationship. We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide legal advice by email without prior agreement and will not accept any time-bound and time-bound declarations. Data transmission via the Internet is risky. You should consider this especially when sending confidential information. If we receive an email, we assume that we are authorized to answer it by email.

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