Thaimy Sigler


Please note the following: Sending an e-mail does not create a client relationship. We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide legal advice by email without prior agreement and will not accept any time-bound and time-bound declarations. Data transmission via the Internet is risky. You should consider this especially when sending confidential information. If we receive an email, we assume that we are authorized to answer it by email.

Thaimy Sigler focuses her practice primarily on transportation, trucking and premises liability defense.   Before SSE Prior to joining SSE, Thaimy worked for an international litigation firm representing Fortune 500 Retailers, Ridesharing Entities and Insurers.  Thaimy completed her undergraduate studies at Florida International University, where she graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor’s in political science.  […]

Before SSE Legal

Prior to joining SSE, Thaimy worked for an international litigation firm representing Fortune 500 Retailers, Ridesharing Entities and Insurers. Thaimy completed her undergraduate studies at Florida International University, where she graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor’s in political science. She received her Juris Doctorate from Florida International University School of Law. During this time, she was a founding member of the Business Law Society, Employment & Labor Law Society, Hispanic Bar Association and YLD Law Student Division while simultaneously clerking at a national litigation firm.

Beyond SSE Legal

Thaimy is fluent in Spanish and is a proud member of the Cuban American Bar Association. She enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends.

Thaimy Sigler


Thaimy Sigler focuses her practice primarily on transportation, trucking and premises liability defense.  

Before SSE

Prior to joining SSE, Thaimy worked for an international litigation firm representing Fortune 500 Retailers, Ridesharing Entities and Insurers.  Thaimy completed her undergraduate studies at Florida International University, where she graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor’s in political science.  She received her Juris Doctorate from Florida International University School of Law.  During this time, she was a founding member of the Business Law Society, Employment & Labor Law Society, Hispanic Bar Association and YLD Law Student Division while simultaneously clerking at a national litigation firm.

Beyond SSE

Thaimy is fluent in Spanish and is a proud member of the Cuban American Bar Association.  She enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends.  

Before SSE Legal

Prior to joining SSE, Thaimy worked for an international litigation firm representing Fortune 500 Retailers, Ridesharing Entities and Insurers. Thaimy completed her undergraduate studies at Florida International University, where she graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor’s in political science. She received her Juris Doctorate from Florida International University School of Law. During this time, she was a founding member of the Business Law Society, Employment & Labor Law Society, Hispanic Bar Association and YLD Law Student Division while simultaneously clerking at a national litigation firm.

Beyond SSE Legal

Thaimy is fluent in Spanish and is a proud member of the Cuban American Bar Association. She enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends.

CONTACT Thaimy Sigler

Please note the following: Sending an e-mail does not create a client relationship. We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide legal advice by email without prior agreement and will not accept any time-bound and time-bound declarations. Data transmission via the Internet is risky. You should consider this especially when sending confidential information. If we receive an email, we assume that we are authorized to answer it by email.

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